Ramallah- Human Rights and Democracy Media Center- SHAMS, released its monthly observatory report for April 2022, about the Israeli demolition, and notification of demolition, crimes against Palestinian religious, tourism, agricultural, commercial, governmental, educational, industrial and residential establishments, with special focus on the residential establishments. The report is within the framework of the specialized documentary reports that SHAMS publishes periodically (monthly, semi- monthly, annually, and semi- annually) about this form and other forms of violations committed by the Israeli Occupation- the occupying power.
The report is based on field observation and documentation methodology through the organization’s field and researchers team. The field team, similar to each month, worked on documenting the Israeli violations in the various governorates of the West Bank. Collected data is processed and categorized in the form of tables in order to issue the observatory report with comprehensive qualitative and quantitative indicators.
During the current month, SHAMS documented eleven establishments (owned by Palestinians) in the West Bank targeted by the occupation’s authorities either being demolished or notified to be demolished soon.
Three (3) establishments were demolished where the Israeli authorities demolished a residential tent in Ein Samia area to the north of Kufur Malik Village- Ramallah governorate; in addition to disfigure and confiscate the equipment of an agricultural shed owned by Farouq el- Haj. In Mrah M’alla Village (Bethlehem) and under the justification of unlicensed, a house under construction, was demolished.
Regarding notification of demolition, the Israeli authorities notified eighth (8) owners of residential and agricultural establishments to stop working (for those under construction) or demolishing.
The first indicator within the reports addresses the type of the targeted establishments (demolished or notified of demolishing) during the month, where they included: 4 houses, 1 residential tent, 3 agricultural rooms, 1 agricultural shed, 1 agricultural pergola, and 1 horses stable.
The second indicator is about the geographical distribution of the demolished establishments where there are two in Ramallah governorate and one in Bethlehem Governorate.
Concerning the notifications of demolishing, confiscating, stop construction, or other forms of violations, which denies Palestinians right to build and benefit from their establishments, they were eight during the month. When it comes to the future targeting of the Palestinian establishment (depending on the notifications), Qalqilia and Jerusalem Governorates will be in the center of the targeted governorates.
The Occupying Power (Israel) justifies the orders to demolish the establishments (3 during April) by unlicensed building in the areas classified as (c) areas.
Regarding the notifications, seven of the eighth notified establishments were justified by unlicensed building in (c) areas. The last establishment (house) was demolished as part of the collective punishment policy that Israel applies against Palestinians involved in resisting the occupation where the house of martyr Diaa Hamarsha- Yaabad- Jenin, was demolished. Martyr Hamarsha was killed in Bnei Brack Settlement in the middle of 1948 occupied Historical Palestine after attacking the settlers there and killing five of them. Israel usually demolishes the houses of the Palestinians who are involved in the resistance process as a tendency to deter Palestinians from participating in resisting the occupation.